Today the Episcopal Community Foundation for Middle and North Georgia (ECF) announces four grants to organizations that are lifting people from poverty and oppression in the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. The grants have been made to Crossroads Community Ministries (Atlanta), New Hope House (Griffin), St. Mary & St. Martha of Bethany (Buford), and Wonderful Days Preschool at St. James Episcopal Church (Marietta).
“One thing that each of our fall grantees has in common is a commitment to long-term sustainability,” said Lindsey Hardegree, Executive Director for ECF. “These specific projects are an investment into each ministry’s future. Whether they are using existing resources in new ways to solve community problems or reducing reliance on other entities, each of our grantees is committed to utilizing ECF’s funds in a way that will impact their work for many years.”
ECF’s fall 2021 grant recipients:
- Crossroads Community Ministries, in partnership with St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (Atlanta), has received a capital grant of $15,000 to use in the renovation of their office space and Clyde’s Kitchen. With these renovations, Crossroads will be able to accommodate 200 hungry men, women, and children each day with a warm meal as well as provide case management, support services, and vital trainings.
- New Hope House, in partnership with St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church (Atlanta), has received a capital grant of $36,500 to purchase a new van and construct a carport for its storage. This vehicle will be crucial in supporting the 40 people currently under death sentence in Georgia through monthly visitation as well as liaising with their families and legal teams.
- St. Mary & St. Martha of Bethany (Buford) has received a capital grant of $22,200 to start Growing Community Together (GCT), a new agriculture-based ministry. GCT will provide an opportunity to utilize more than 30 acres as a sustainable urban farm which will directly assist those struggling with food insecurity in Hall County. This grant was made possible through funds generously donated via the 2021 Hunger Walk Run event.
- Wonderful Days Preschool at St. James Episcopal Church (Marietta) has received a capacity-building grant of $10,500 to develop a long-term sustainable fundraising program to support its tuition-free preschool for low-income families, including transportation for the students.
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