The Long-Term Impact of Grants

A Long-Term Solution ECF seeks to create long-term solutions with our grants. One of our primary focuses in grantmaking is ensuring that our grants focus on sustainable support. Typically ECF’s grants fall into two types of funding – capital or … Continue Reading →

Food Insecurity: What is it?

Food Insecurity You might have heard this phrase before, but do we really know what it means? Whatever image is conjured in our minds, there is probably more to it. According to the Atlanta Community Food Bank, food insecurity “refers … Continue Reading →

The Tendrils of Criminal Justice

What We Know about Criminal Justice We’ve read the statistics about people in the criminal justice system. We tend to pay attention to programs of rebuilding and rehabilitation. But there are other people impacted by the criminal justice system who … Continue Reading →

Refugees: Here in Georgia

Refugees in Georgia The term “refugee” has become a political weapon, used as a term of aggression, a form of emotional manipulation. But at the heart of it, a refugee represents humanity. Refugees are human beings that are all around … Continue Reading →

What is Generational Poverty?

Have you ever been in an escape room? Only through solving a complicated problem can you and your group of friends or family escape. What happens if you don’t make it out in time? You lose, and you are “imprisoned” … Continue Reading →