Holy Hushing and Shunning Shushing

Being Shushed Few things are as irritating as being “shushed.” I still recall childhood memories of fingers pressed against lips as the sibilant hissing struck a chord of irritation within me. Shushing is abrupt; it cuts and makes the voice … Continue Reading →

Redeeming the Art of Dwelling

The Struggle of Dwelling “Mary knew movement, uninvited but necessary for survival. Mary knew fleeing and looking over her shoulder and thirsting for safety and vigilantly watching for danger. And with it all, trusting in God.”[1] In his recent delivery … Continue Reading →

Gut Feelings and Sinews of Compassion

Compassion from the Gut The Samaritan’s compassion came from his gut. It’s interesting that when the text says he was “moved with compassion,” it means that he was “moved in his bowels” (for the bowels were thought to be the … Continue Reading →


Every Wednesday, my parish offers a healing Eucharistic service. Compared to the Sunday assembly, this one is intimate and sober, nestled into the right transept of the nave. The “usuals” show up week after week. They pray for loved ones … Continue Reading →

The Sacramentality of a Home

Canadian artist, Timothy Schmalz, created a bronze statue named the “Homeless Jesus.” It’s a life-size sculpture of what appears to be a man without a home, wrapped in a blanket and lying on a park bench. The exposed feet carrying … Continue Reading →

woman with child on a bus

The Way Things Really Work

“It should be the work of God’s people to inject hope and love into such a system to get things working better.”

children sitting outside

Refugee Reflections, Looking Back and Forward

I had never given much thought to the subject of refugees until my first year of seminary. My fieldwork placed me among children of refugee families in the resettlement community in Clarkston, GA, on the east side of Atlanta, just … Continue Reading →

A Biblical Reflection on Human Trafficking

In an earlier life, I was an ardent thespian. I loved acting and directing plays and musicals, and even managed to get paid for my work from time to time. One of our favorite shows back in the ‘80s was … Continue Reading →