When is it time to update your Will?

If you have a Will, congratulations! Recent statistics indicate that 60-70% of American adults do not have Wills. Of those who do have Wills, most begin the process of making a Will sometime in their 30s or 40s. Very often, … Continue Reading →

Year-End Tax Planning for Maximum Impact

Why Now is the Perfect Time for Tax Planning Proactive personal tax planning is a year round exercise under the best of circumstances. At the very least, the final 3 months of the year should attract one’s attention in this … Continue Reading →

Probate and Estate Planning in Georgia

The term “probate” has taken on connotations that suggest something bordering on the sinister and best to be avoided.  In fact, probate is a process by which a Will is proven and determined to be valid.  Once the process is … Continue Reading →

Understanding Planned Giving vs. Legacy Giving

Planned Giving vs. Legacy Giving? How are donors to go about understanding planned giving vs. legacy giving? Aren’t most gifts by definition “planned?” The term “planned giving” has always annoyed me even though, as an estate planning attorney, I use … Continue Reading →

Common Questions from Couples Making Estate Plans

Couples Making Estate Plans Couples making estate plans frequently ask some common questions regarding taxation of inheritance. In particular, what is the “best” way to name beneficiaries on life insurance and retirement accounts? And how does this action affect what … Continue Reading →

How Does Planned Giving Benefit Me?

Fighting Against Insecurity At first blush, it may seem strange to ask how giving away money might benefit the giver. There are, of course, many references to the spiritual benefits of this activity mentioned throughout Scripture. Also, there is scientific … Continue Reading →

Vehicle Donations Potentially Impacted by RMD Changes

RMD Changes In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the age requirement for taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) from retirement accounts. This change has important implications for individuals who own vehicles and are considering giving them as … Continue Reading →