Do you still need your life insurance policy? Several years ago, I was managing an endowment fund for a small museum. As a result, I worked with several of the board members on their gift planning as a way to … Continue Reading →
Understanding Recent Tax Law Changes and How They Affect You
How have the recent tax law changes affected you? This is a question that can be asked almost every time after a session of Congress has concluded. Or when new laws are passed. If major tax law legislation has not … Continue Reading →
Understanding Planned Giving vs. Legacy Giving
Planned Giving vs. Legacy Giving? How are donors to go about understanding planned giving vs. legacy giving? Aren’t most gifts by definition “planned?” The term “planned giving” has always annoyed me even though, as an estate planning attorney, I use … Continue Reading →
Common Questions from Couples Making Estate Plans
Couples Making Estate Plans Couples making estate plans frequently ask some common questions regarding taxation of inheritance. In particular, what is the “best” way to name beneficiaries on life insurance and retirement accounts? And how does this action affect what … Continue Reading →
How Does Planned Giving Benefit Me?
Fighting Against Insecurity At first blush, it may seem strange to ask how giving away money might benefit the giver. There are, of course, many references to the spiritual benefits of this activity mentioned throughout Scripture. Also, there is scientific … Continue Reading →
Vehicle Donations Potentially Impacted by RMD Changes
RMD Changes In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the age requirement for taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) from retirement accounts. This change has important implications for individuals who own vehicles and are considering giving them as … Continue Reading →
Charitable Planning With Life Insurance
Life insurance can be an excellent way to make a charitable gift.[1] Life insurance allows you to make a substantial gift to a charity at a lower cost, with potential tax rules that benefit individuals who give life insurance gifts. … Continue Reading →
What is a QCD?: Charitable Contributions from IRAs
What is a QCD? Did you know that if you are at least 72 you can make tax-free charitable donations from your IRA? By making a Qualified Charitable Distribution or QCD you can benefit your favorite charity while excluding up … Continue Reading →
Charitable Gift Annuities: A Creative Option During Retirement
Charitable Gift Annuities How many prospective donors have I talked with who desired to contribute to their charity of choice, but were reluctant to make that commitment because they didn’t want to expose themselves financially during their retirement years? Well, … Continue Reading →
Importance of Having a Will
My mother gave me so much, but one of her kindest gifts was preparing well for her death. When she died, I was devastated; I cried, wailed, and felt lost. However, she learned from the bad experiences she had with … Continue Reading →