
Human Trafficking in Higher Education

Far-Reaching Impact of Human Trafficking According to the DEA, “human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act.” This sinister form of exploitation continues to cast its shadow over … Continue Reading →

Finding an Invitation in the Midst of Paradox

Understanding Christian Paradox The Christian life contains a multitude of paradoxes, inviting us to embrace truths that may contradict conventional wisdom. One such paradox lies in Jesus’ profound statement in John 12:24-26: “Unless a grain of wheat falls into the … Continue Reading →

Prioritizing Equity and Innovation in Our Grants

The Grant Process Our grants catalyze change, address pressing social issues, and strengthen marginalized communities. They provide a profound opportunity for parishes and their nonprofit. However, the grant evaluation process can feel daunting, especially to those who have never completed … Continue Reading →

How Does Planned Giving Benefit Me?

Fighting Against Insecurity At first blush, it may seem strange to ask how giving away money might benefit the giver. There are, of course, many references to the spiritual benefits of this activity mentioned throughout Scripture. Also, there is scientific … Continue Reading →

Look Again

Being Alive I once read that the brain uses roughly 20% of the body’s energy. It’s staggering that this three-pound organ consumes such caloric intake, revealing the cost of those billions of neurons and synapses processing the world around us. … Continue Reading →

The Long-Term Impact of Grants

A Long-Term Solution ECF seeks to create long-term solutions with our grants. One of our primary focuses in grantmaking is ensuring that our grants focus on sustainable support. Typically ECF’s grants fall into two types of funding – capital or … Continue Reading →

Vehicle Donations Potentially Impacted by RMD Changes

RMD Changes In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the age requirement for taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) from retirement accounts. This change has important implications for individuals who own vehicles and are considering giving them as … Continue Reading →

Hunger is Universal

The Human Experience of Hunger We all hunger. It’s part of our human condition. There is something good about it; being human is possessing this bodily message that reminds us we lack something. It tells us that we depend on … Continue Reading →

Food Insecurity: What is it?

Food Insecurity You might have heard this phrase before, but do we really know what it means? Whatever image is conjured in our minds, there is probably more to it. According to the Atlanta Community Food Bank, food insecurity “refers … Continue Reading →