Fighting Hunger and Isolation as a Community

Hunger is a challenge for communities across our state. In Georgia, 1 in 8 people are food insecure. Often hunger occurs in homes with unemployed parents, or in families trapped in generational poverty. But hunger is not just a problem … Continue Reading →

Site Visits with ECF Look a Little Different

Site visits are an important part of the grantmaking cycle at the Episcopal Community Foundation for Middle and North Georgia. Grant applicants are required to submit both a Letter of Intent and an Application before a site visit occurs, and … Continue Reading →

two people signing documents on a table

The Ease of Bequests

ECF can accept your bequest and distribute your gift to your parish, ministries in our Diocese that you are passionate about, and to our grantmaking fund which ensures ECF is able to continue helping Episcopal parishes serve the poor and oppressed for decades to come.

What is a required minimum distribution?

ECF can accept your charitable donation from your IRA and distribute your gift to your parish, ministries in our Diocese that you are passionate about, and to our grantmaking fund which ensures ECF is able to continue helping Episcopal parishes serve the poor and oppressed for decades to come.

CARES Act Introduces Giving Incentives for 2020

In March 2020, Congress passed an economic relief package known as the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. According to the U.S. Department of the Treasury, “The CARES Act provides fast and direct economic assistance for American workers, … Continue Reading →