

Every Wednesday, my parish offers a healing Eucharistic service. Compared to the Sunday assembly, this one is intimate and sober, nestled into the right transept of the nave. The “usuals” show up week after week. They pray for loved ones … Continue Reading →

The Sacramentality of a Home

Canadian artist, Timothy Schmalz, created a bronze statue named the “Homeless Jesus.” It’s a life-size sculpture of what appears to be a man without a home, wrapped in a blanket and lying on a park bench. The exposed feet carrying … Continue Reading →

How a Family Inherits Poverty

What is your family inheritance? Maybe it’s an heirloom. I recently spoke with someone who owned a family cannon—a Civil War memento procured in his ancestorial line. Maybe you’ve inherited traditions or stories that shape your fundamental understanding of who … Continue Reading →

ECF Grants $84,200 to Fight Poverty and Oppression Locally

Today the Episcopal Community Foundation for Middle and North Georgia (ECF) announces four grants to organizations that are lifting people from poverty and oppression in the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. The grants have been made to Crossroads Community Ministries (Atlanta), … Continue Reading →

What is Generational Poverty?

Have you ever been in an escape room? Only through solving a complicated problem can you and your group of friends or family escape. What happens if you don’t make it out in time? You lose, and you are “imprisoned” … Continue Reading →

woman with child on a bus

The Way Things Really Work

“It should be the work of God’s people to inject hope and love into such a system to get things working better.”